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Accessing DEV database

You can access the Azure resources and for example the database for DEV environment.

For this,

  • Go to
    • Search > Type "gdcc"
    • Find and click on the resource group attached to gDCC (called eu1-gdcc-dev-rg at the time of writing this doc)
    • Among the resources, find and click on the database (called eu1-gdcc-dev-sqldb at the time of writing this doc)
    • Copy the name of the database and the Server name (called at the time of writing this doc)
  • Open SQL Managament Studio
    • In Connect to Server window, click Options >>
    • In Tab Connection Properties, set database name
    • In Tab Login, set Server name to the copied server name, Authentication to Azure Active Directory - Universal with MFA, User name to your e-mail


  • If you are missing permissions, create a DevOps ticket
  • When working from home, you may need to ask DevOps to whitelist your IP (IP of Copenhagen office is white-listed)