📄️ Introduction
GlobalDcc is a global, multi-tenant service for providing distance calculation
📄️ Accessing DEV database
You can access the Azure resources and for example the database for DEV
📄️ Adding or updating a roadnet
Related page:
📄️ Architecture
The global dcc consists of several assemblies written in both managed- (c#) and
📄️ Detecting breaking changes in APIs
When making a pull request with code changes, an automated check is run to
📄️ Client library
The GlobalDcc.Api.Client project creates a NuGet package with a client that can
🗃 ️ Configuration
3 items
📄️ Contributing to the documentation
Updating this documentation
📄️ Logging setup for deployment
GlobalDcc uses Serilog to output logs using a json format. The advantage of
📄️ Getting started
📄️ How to - Docker
📄️ Internal Dcc Model Spc Version
This page describes how to maintain the native model, and highlights some
📄️ NSwag - Auto generating code
The logic in GlobalDcc.Api.Client is largely created by
📄️ Projects in Global DCC
Projects in the Global DCC repository
📄️ Road network concepts
This page describes some Global Dcc core concepts related to the
📄️ Running Components Outside Docker
When profiling or looking for memory leaks it can be helpful to be able to run
📄️ The serialization framework
To improve performance we cache request to Global DCC and their replies. To
📄️ Technology overview
This page describes some 'technologies' that are not commonly used in
📄️ Telemetry collection
Telemetry data (logs, metrics, and traces) are collected for
📄️ Testing
Communication Tests