Helm Charts
The Helm charts contain the templates for how the DCS should be deployed. The
charts are stored in the /charts
folder of the DCS repository.
They describe the structure of the DCS deployment, including the services, deployments, and other Kubernetes resources that make up the DCS.
Usually the chart will only need to be updated if we change the storage or pub/sub configuration.
The Helm charts are mustache templates and they are used to generate several yml and json files.
- Yml files to configure dapr for apis and backends.
- Json startup settings for all services.
To test the Helm charts locally before committing:
- Install Helm: https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/#from-chocolatey-windows
- Clone the DCS repository: https://dev.azure.com/amcsgroup/Routing/_git/GlobalDcc
- Clone the deployment repository: https://dev.azure.com/amcsgroup/Routing/_git/GlobalDccDeploymentK8
- Open a command prompt:
cd {dcs-root}\charts\globaldcc
helm template . --output-dir ..\test -f {deployment-root}\manifests\overlays\dev\eu-dev\roadnets.yaml -f {deployment-root}\manifests\overlays\dev\eu-dev\globaldcc-values.yaml--values {deployment-root}/manifests/overlays/dev/eu-dev/globaldcc-values.yaml
The generated files should be sufficiently self-explanatory to allow us to make minor modifications on our own.
Should you encounter something that isn't self-evident in the configuration, please update the documentation once you figure out how to it.