GlobalDcc is a global, multi-tenant service for providing distance calculation capabilities via a REST API.
It contains three .Net web apps:
- GlobalDcc.Api.Server: accepts user requests and posts messages to a queue for the backend(s) to process
- GlobalDcc.Backend.Server: listens to a queue, processes messages, and responds
- GlobalDcc.RoadNetManager: manages road net version changes (wip: app is not feature complete)
GlobalDcc is designed to be deployed with multiple api and backend instances running side-by-side:
- Each frontend forwards to the request queue for the roadnet (specified in the request).
- Each backend is configured for exactly one roadnet and processes incoming messages sequentially.
- Backends for the same roadnet may share a request queue/subscription.
- Results are cached in a distributed cache.
The communication between apis and backends relies on a distributed task queue, TS.Comms
See the image below for a brief sketch of how the different components are used.